12 Reasons You Shouldn’t Sleep with Your Wedding Ring On

Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Jo

Reasons not to sleep with your wedding ring on is a topic that often goes unnoticed in the midst of marital celebrations.

As you embark on the wonderful journey of marital bliss, your wedding ring becomes a cherished symbol of love and commitment.

However, there are moments when it’s wise to remove this precious adornment, and one such occasion is bedtime.

In this discussion, we explore twelve reasons why you might want to consider taking off your wedding ring before drifting into dreamland.

Join us as we delve into the insightful reasons not to sleep with your wedding ring on.

1. Can Cause the Ring to Bend or Warp

Sleeping with your wedding ring on can cause the ring to bend or warp over time. As you toss and turn throughout the night, the ring is under constant pressure and friction. This can slowly alter the shape of the ring, especially if it is made of a soft metal like gold. Taking your ring off at night prevents any warping or damage from occurring.

2. Increases Risk of Scratching Yourself or Partner

Wearing your wedding ring while sleeping next to your partner increases the risk of accidentally scratching them in the middle of the night. Even a small scratch from a ring can be quite painful. Rings can also scratch your own body if you toss and turn a lot at night. Taking off your wedding ring before bed is an easy way to prevent uncomfortable scratches and small injuries.

3. Can Lead To Ring Getting Caught in Sheets/Blankets

Leaving your wedding ring on when you sleep puts it at risk of getting caught in your bed sheets or blankets. If your ring gets tangled up in the fabric it could get scratched or even bend the band. Some people have woken up to find their ring completely stuck in the bedding. Taking off your ring at bedtime prevents this nuisance and potential damage. Enjoy uninterrupted sleep knowing your ring is safe on the nightstand, not caught in the sheets.

4. May Cause Skin Irritation or Rashes

Wearing your wedding ring while you sleep increases the likelihood of skin irritation or rashes developing underneath the band. Rings worn 24/7 don’t allow the skin to breathe and accumulate bacteria, sweat, soap residue, and dead skin cells. This can lead to swollen, itchy, red, and irritated skin. Give your finger a break while you slumber by placing your ring on the nightstand. Your skin will thank you in the morning.

5. Can Loosen the Fit of the Ring Over Time

Leaving your wedding ring on all night long while you sleep can gradually loosen its fit. As your hands swell and shrink throughout the day, the ring moves up and down your finger ever so slightly. This constant minor movement causes the band to slowly become looser. Before you know it, your once perfectly fitted ring is slipping and sliding all over. Take your ring off before bed to maintain its ideal snugness and avoid losing it by having it slip off your finger.

6. Risk of Damaging or Losing a Loose Ring in Bed

A loose-fitting wedding ring can easily fall off your finger as you sleep. All it takes is the ring catching on your pillowcase or bedsheets as you toss and turn. Then it tumbles to the floor or gets lodged in your bedding where it’s at risk of being crushed or lost altogether.

Save yourself the headache of frantically searching under the covers in the morning by stowing your ring safely in a jewelry box overnight. This simple habit prevents accidental damage and loss, so you can enjoy your cherished ring for years to come.

7. Puts Extra Pressure on the Band While Sleeping

Sleeping with your wedding ring on can put undue stress on the band. As you shift positions throughout the night, the ring rubs against sheets and pillows, grinding away at the metal. Over time, this constant friction can cause extra wear and tear, weakening prongs and thinning the band.

For rings with stones, the added pressure while sleeping could loosen or dislodge them completely. Save your ring from this unnecessary strain by storing it safely in a ring box or dish on your nightstand before going to bed. Give your ring a rest overnight so it stays in the best condition for a lifetime of wear.

8. Excess Moisture From Sweating Can Damage Ring

Wedding rings are exposed to moisture throughout the day, especially when we exercise and sweat. But leaving rings on all night allows prolonged contact with perspiration. The metals and finishes used in wedding bands can react with sweat, causing corrosion, discoloration or damage over time.

Even moisture-wicking fabrics can’t prevent some exposure to sweat during sleep. The safest way to avoid moisture damage is to give your wedding ring a break while you slumber. Place it in a dry, covered dish on your nightstand before going to bed. Letting your ring “breathe” overnight prevents excess moisture from causing premature wear.

9. Oils From Skin Transfer to the Ring and Require More Cleaning

Our skin naturally produces oils that get transferred to jewelry when worn continuously. These oils build up on wedding bands over time, leading to a dull, greasy appearance. Sleeping with your ring on allows oils to accumulate all night long. Repeated exposure to skin oils makes rings attract more dirt and debris as well.

To keep your wedding band looking shiny and clean, it needs to be scrubbed periodically to remove oil residue. But constant cleaning can prematurely wear down the ring over time. Giving your wedding ring a break at night reduces oil transfer, cutting down on required cleanings. Simply place it in a jewelry box or dish when you go to bed. Letting it “air out” keeps rings fresh.

10. More Likely to Knock or Hit Ring on Hard Surfaces

When we sleep, our hands are moving all around on the pillow, sheets, and mattress. All this motion increases the chances of banging your wedding ring against something hard. Accidentally hitting the delicate band can cause scratches, chips, or dents over time. Rings can also get caught on fabric or bedding and bend out of shape.

Since we tend to toss and turn more in our sleep compared to when awake, sleeping with your ring on makes damage more likely. Protecting the ring by removing it at bedtime reduces wear and tear. Place it in a safe spot like a jewelry box or dish, well away from moving limbs. Your wedding band will look better longer without nightly impacts during slumber.

11. Removes Opportunity to Let Fingers Rest Without Ring

Our fingers deserve a break from wearing rings now and then. Sleeping with the wedding band on means your finger never gets that chance to be free of constriction. The snug fit can irritate skin over time, leading to soreness or rashes.

Giving your finger a nightly 8-hour ring-free period allows circulation to flow and the skin to breathe. The short hiatus prevents nerve damage that can occur from prolonged constriction. Nerves and tendons need open space to glide smoothly.

Plus, your ring finger itself benefits from moving freely while you sleep instead of remaining in the same bent position all night long. Simply placing the ring on the nightstand gives your digit some much-needed downtime. Both you and your finger will be happier in the morning.

12. Increased Likelihood of Ring Getting Dropped or Lost

Sleeping with your wedding ring on raises the risk of it slipping off unnoticed. Ring fingers shrink throughout the day as body temperature drops, causing a loose fit. Active sleepers are prone to knocking the band off on sheets or pillows. If the ring falls and gets lost in the bedding, it can easily wind up in laundry destined for the washing machine. The jostling and spinning inside a running appliance can batter soft precious metals like gold or silver.

A ring can also go down the drain, never to be seen again. Waking up to discover your wedding ring has gone missing is a nightmare scenario. Protect your cherished keepsake and marriage symbol by stowing it away each night. Establish a dedicated safe storage spot like a jewelry box or dresser tray. Making a habit of removing your ring before going to sleep reduces the chances of it going astray.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you wear your wedding ring to bed?

No, it’s recommended to remove your wedding ring before going to sleep. The ring can scratch you or your spouse while sleeping. It can also get damaged if you move around a lot at night.

Should you wear your wedding ring all the time?

Most married couples wear their rings all the time, except when showering, swimming, exercising, doing dishes, gardening etc. Anything where the ring could get damaged or lost. It’s up to each couple’s personal preference.

Do you take off your wedding ring to shower?

Yes, it’s best to remove your wedding ring before showering. The warm water and soap can cause rings to become loose or slip off. Rings can also get scratched in the shower.

Where do you put your wedding ring at night?

Many people place their wedding ring on their nightstand or dresser before going to bed. Some keep it in a ring dish or jewelry box. Just be sure to place it somewhere safe and consistent each night.


There are a few key reasons not to sleep with your wedding ring on. Rings can scratch you or your spouse while sleeping. They can also become damaged or lost if you toss and turn at night. It’s best to develop a habit of taking off your ring before bed and placing it somewhere safe like a ring dish. This keeps your ring protected and prevents injuries. Overall, sleeping with your wedding ring on poses some risks that are easy to avoid by simply removing it at bedtime.

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